

Beth is the proud sponsor of two little women and a huge fan of fandom. She took 3 years of Latin in high school and now speaks fluent pretension, which fully explains her current preference for gay wizard regency novels. She will roll over for a giant book with a map in the front. She takes comic book recommendations every day but Wednesday and TV recommendations never (she knows what's good).


Heidi is currently obsessed with watching people make bad decisions on TV, being a coastal elite, artificially avoiding any sign of aging, reading feminist romance novels, and getting the biggest laugh at her own expense. She has a husband, 3 kids, a dog and anxiety.


Amy takes pride in being a grumpy optimist. Want to talk sports ball? Amy is your girl. Her favorite New York Times crossword puzzle day is Tuesday. If your book is set in the former Soviet Union or World War 2, Amy will read it. As a recovered Southern Baptist, she is raising her daughter to be happy.


Julie believes great books should be read more than once and prides herself on finding the "dirty part" in any romance novel under a minute. Loves red wine but loves it more when shared with friends. Has an (embarrassingly) extensive knowledge about all things Brooklyn Nine-Nine and New Girl. Is currently curating the perfect playlists that ALWAYS include a song from one of the Twilight soundtracks.


Food. Books. Naps. Deeply obsessed with Tolkien, Baby Yoda memes, and traveling as often and as far as possible. Determined to live in Scotland. Amateur historian. Professional stay at home mom. Rabid consumer of scotch, peanut M&Ms, and Reylo fanfic. Creator of possibly the best PB&J ever. A little too in love with Kylo Ren.


Courtney is a suburban mother to 3 fierce little women (& 2 not so fierce puppies) who is readjusting to American life after living abroad. She’s a little hippy-dippy, a proud bright, blue star in a big, red state & the epitome of a red-headed Scorpio.. When she is not re-reading books she should’ve read in high school, Twilight & Outlander, she’s obsessed with all things historical fiction. She has a weakness for watching BBC dramas, Outlander (duh) & Seinfeld reruns. She has a passion for what’s happening in the world & traveling it. She is also a self-proclaimed expert in all things 80’s & 90’s, sports, strong coffee, art, Italian red wines & German beers.


Emily is an interior designer by day, book nerd by night. When not talking aloud to her cat, Luna (named after the Luna you're thinking of, hopefully), she can be found scrolling through Netflix for hours, until finally giving up and snuggling in bed with her kindle because she's already watched all of the good stuff. She loves donuts of all shapes and sizes, Chipotle burritos, and alpacas (not to eat - shouldn’t have paired that with two other food items…). If you want to get on her good side, bring up Harry Potter, true crime, or podcasts - better yet something that combines all three.


Andee is a teacher and musician in New York who is obsessed with tv. She loves reading, fantasy, Renaissance Faires, Star Wars, and choirs. She’s also a one-time viral video star.

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